29 JUNE 1918, Page 2

Speaking in Dublin on Tuesday, Mr. Dillon, whose leadership of

the Nationalists becomes more disastrous day by day,. denounced the work of the Dublin Recruiting Committee. " They come to us," he said, " seeking to exploit the well-known love of liberty that burns in Irish hearts. After the experience we have had of the faith of English Governments, this is a mockery and a fraud." The Recruiting Committee had said that they " looked forward to the active support of the Roman Catholic Church and the leaders of the Nationalist Party." " I can tell them," said Mr. Dillon, " that they will get neither the one nor the other until they hand over to us the government of our own people." Mr. Dillon's insolent re- fusal in the name of the Nationalists and of the Roman Church to help voluntary recruiting in Ireland finally provers how the Government have trifled both with the British and the Irish people. On Tuesday Ministers were full of flattering words about the Nationalist leaders and their expected co-operation in raising volunteers owing to the disappearance of Conscription. Now we see the -result.