29 JUNE 1929, Page 1

News of the Week The Government at Work A PART from

welcome, pronouncements on foreign policy—no less welcome because foreordained— the Government have wasted no time in professions of faith, but have at once set their hands to the plough. On Thursday, June 20th, Mr. J. H. Thomas arranged the first of a series of informal conferences with the railway managers.; A- Daniel come to judgment I " Evidently he rook.; for-a Considered scheme of development and reorganization as a result of the saving on passenger fares from the abatement of the duty by the late Govern- ment. No doubt financial help for " rationalization' will be forthcoming in those industries where it is most needed, probably in soli form of Trade Facilities.: The President of the Board of Trade has also interviewed representatives, of the -cotton and the iron and steel industries. He was surely impressed by the _Uncanny knack of Lancashire for settling her, own affairs;