28 JUNE 1945, Page 17

THE SPECTATOR" CROSSWORD No. 329 (A Book Token for one

guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct ichitiort of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, j■tly.. loth. . Envelopes should be •eceived not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2}d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none cats be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winntr will be published in the following issue.]


7. The cloth in uniform. (5.) 8. The Martians are not necessarily ' (9.)

IC. Much in Hamelin was, no doubt. (6.) They are characteristic of love and war. (g.)

12. Has the employee no union? (8.)

14. First move in the game, very often. (4.) i5. Evidently not a purse-proud charac- ter. (4.) .-

18. Ship cat. (Anag.) (7.)

to. Merchandise of Drury Lane. (7.) 22. As Mrs. Malaprop might have said, no Man is an emperor to his valet. (4.) 24. The-last letter in the third. (4) 26. That's enough. (8.)

29. By inference there was one in Tenny- son's porphyry font. (4.)

30. Do they guide the cattle-boat? (6.) 3T. Does he look -depressed because he's leaving? (9.) 32. Fluid type (5.)


1. An elementary fact exploited by Macintosh. (SO 2. Bullying way of winning by a short head? (8.) 3. Porch, and interupt Vera there. (8.) 4. 7 might be considered a suitable per- son to work it. (8.)

5. It is of little account in us. (6.) 5. An extract from "The Master of Bsdlantrae." (5.)

9- "One clear -, wakened in his breast By memory's magic, lets in all the rest." (Moore.) (4.) 13, Resort of the fastidious. - (4.) "There shall never be one lost

What was, shall live as before."

(Browning.) (4.)

57. One might find rage unfit for this. (9.) 19. Disposed. (8.) se. A dull subject in philosophy. (8.) 23. An angelic painter. (9.) 25. Actually in a document. (6.) 27. Unchanging place, Ileyet likely ID meet its opposite. (4.) 28. An ebullient sort of scientist. (5.)