29 MARCH 1845, Page 2

The intelligence . from America grows serious. . Ths,Conras have

adopted. the "joint resolution" for annexing Texas : John Tyler has had the letter of his wish, and has signed the act of annexation; and it is now negotiating or negotiated at Galveston. The bill for the occupation of Oregon has been rejected by a small majority in the Senate, only to be reintroduced hereafter. These bold steps of encroachment are really menacing to the peace of the world ; and there is a cool impudence about them still more provocative. The new President, James K. Polk, has entered office, and has delivered his "inaugural address." The occasion is worthy of the most exalted intervention; but evidently James


K. Polk s no deus ex maehina to perform a miracle. His address is a respectably-composed thesis "on the constitution," which he flatters with all the unction of an author's dedication to his patron sixty years since. His style is a great improvement on that of John Tyler; but in statesmanship he seems to be even less of a substantive than that fortuitous President. He quite worships whatever is—" institutions" and everything besides : he is for annexation of Texas, occupation of Oregon, for Slavery, against a State Bank; Pennsylvania begins to pay, and he is prospectively against Repudiation ; and no doubt, as popular opinion is very strong on the point, he is for Lynch-law—that is almost a corol- lary to the rest of his avowals. He is the very man to obey the "crvium ardor prays jubentium." Thus pampered by opportunity, whither will the rashness of the Anglo-Saxon Americans lead them ? The question is ave. They may need a practical fir proof that England's di * ed forbearance thus far is no result of weakness. . A war would cost this country too much not to be begun in such a way as to force it to a conclusion as soon as pos- sible ; and the unwieldy Union is more exposed than its self- sufficient citizens may fancy. They talk in the Union of " an- nexing " Canada : Canada, gratified by certain boons, already demanded for her by influential opinion in this country—the Cession of the Civil-list, for instance, now sanctioned by the highest authority: in the colony—would soon teach what kmd of "annexation" might be expected. Do they talk of distracting England by tampering with Ireland ? Why, a • few concessions exacted pro forma, and Ireland would gayly spring forward to show her chivalry under Queen Victoria's banner : there is a cer- tain kind of" loyalty "in which the Celt excels the Saxon. There are Irishmen, moreover, across the Atlantic, who have not been very kindly propitiated by "Native Americans." By the annex- ation the Union would be made conterminous with hostile Mexico. America has a larger marine trade than it can convoy. And suppose skeleton regiments were thrown into Georgia or Caro- lina, with offers of good pay for every Black soldier, freedom, and a home in the West Indies ? Horrible would war be for all ; but once begun, the most pacific in England would urge the,making it energetic, aggressive, and effectual.