29 MARCH 1851, Page 8


Dungarvan election has issued in a very signal defeat of the Tenant League party, represented by its most able advocate, Mr. J. Francis Ma- guire, of the Cork Examiner : the Honourable C. Ponsonby, the Whig can- didate, has been returned by a majority of nearly two to one. At half- past two on Friday the numbers polled were 158 to 83 ; and at three o'clock Mr. Maguire withdrew from the contest. The defeat is explained. by the statement that the landlord's electors under the new franchise bill have had their proportion to the whole constituency much increased : the success is explained by the statement that " the farmers of the bettor class supported Mr, Ponaonby as an avowed opponent of the Papal A,

sion Bill, or of any legislation against religion, as well as a Free-trader." The real explanation perhaps lay in the fact that the parish priest, Dr. Halley, stood neutral.

The Dublin .Evening Mail describes an organized resistance to the levy of four years' rent due from one MacMorren for lands near Banbridge in Ulster. Mr. Tallow and four civil officers proceeded to make the levy : on their approach to the lands, horns were sounded, and the inhabitants swarmed together to the number of five hundred, armed with guns and. other weapons, and defied the seizure. When the officers pressed forward they were fired at, and ultimately upwards of fifty guns were discharged ; the shots striking the trees around them, but not any hitting the mark. The officers were compelled to retreat by a circuitous route to Banbridge.

The Grand Jury having ignored the bill of indictment preferred against Captain Kendal Bushe for striking a child with the butt-end of his whip, and causing a tumour of which the child died, an indictment was preferred on the Coroner's inquest. The Jury heard the case, and immediately ac- quitted Captain Bushe.