29 MARCH 1851, Page 8


The Lord Provost of Edinburgh has received a communication from, the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, acceding to the request of the citizens that the statue of Queen Victoria, which they propose to erect in commemoration of her first visit to "the palace of her ancestors," shall be erected in the front quadrangle of Holyrood House.

Scoon, a cattle-dealer of Edinburgh, obtained 140 head of cattle and 400' sheep from divers farmers in Scotland, and in payment gave checks on banks where it was found that he had no account. Before the checks could be pre- sented, he rapidly conveyed the cattle and sheep to Liverpool, sold them, and returned to Edinburgh: he was arrested there while the police were- searching for him in England. A box was found containing no less than 31841. in notes, gold, and bills of exchange, received by Scoon at Liverpool.

It appears that the seven men who perished by the explosion of a boiler at a flax-mill at Johnstone were all in the engine-room—the fireman and six men who had collected round the fire during meal-time. The tire in the fur- nace was driven across a yard and forced into the mill, setting the combus- tible materials within on fire, and the whole premises were consumed. Two engineers who have examined the boiler are unable to account for the acci- dent : the safety-valve was in good order.

The whole of the bodies of the miners who perished by the explosion at Nitshill have been got out of the pit, in a very mutilated state : they had died by the fiery blast, rather than from suffocation.