29 MARCH 1856, Page 19


An. exhibition of works by the students of Metropolitan and Provincial Schools of Art in connexion with this department opened on Tuesday, at the St. Martin's District -School in Castle Street, Long Acre, and will continue on view till the end of next week. The works give, as has been the case in previous exhibitions, of the kind, a comprehensive view of the course of study pursued by the pupils; of which, in posh of its twenty-two stages, a lucid view was presented in .a straightforward and businesslike address, delivered on Tuesday evening, by Mr. Burchett, the Head Master of Marlborough House, to an audience which seemed to be largely leavened with persons practically interested in the matter. In the works exhibited it appeared to us that advance was perceptible, especially as regards the higher stages of study. In coloured composi- tions of still-life and the like, a fair artistic average is attained; and some of the studies from the living model are of a superior order of draughts- manship.