29 MARCH 1856, Page 20



WAR DErAwrinticr," March 25.-Cavalry-Royal Regiment of Horse Guards- P. Bennet, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Williams, promoted ; Corporal J. Boswell to be Riding Master, vice Brunt, resigned. 5th Dragoon Guards-Capt. R. Garrard, from the 95th Foot, to be Capt. vice Henley, who exchanges.

Royal Artillery-The surname of the gentleman appointed Lieut. with temporary rank, on the 8th of March, in the Gazette of the 18th inst. is levers, and not Tevers, as therein stated.

- Infantry6cots Fusilier Guards-Brevet-Col. J. H. Pringle, from half-pay un- attached, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. vice F. Buchan, who exchanges ; Lieut. and Capt. W. Aitchison to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Pringle, who retires ; Capt. W. J. Roue, from 90th Foot, to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Aitchison.

1st Foot-J. I. Fraser, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Hurt, promoted. 3d Foot-To be Captains, without purchase-Lieut. A. L. Coussmaker, vice Ross, deceased ; Lieut. L. Sidebottom, vice Coussmaker, whose promotion, without pur- yhase, on the 8th of January, has been cancelled ; Lieut. W. Wainman, vice Side- bottom, whose promotion, without purchase, on the 1st of February, has been can- celled. To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensign F. Morley, vice Cones- maker ; Ensign R. B. Leatham, vice Morley, whose promotion, without purchase, on the 8th of October 1855, has been cancelled ; Ensign A. B. Letts, vice Izatham, whosepromotion, without purchase, orithe 9th of November 1855, has been can- celled ; Ensign J. Awdry, vice Letts, whose promotion, without purchase, on the 16th of November 1855, has been cancelled ; Ensign II: Pears, vice Awdry, whose promotion, without purchase, on the 8th of January, has been cancelled. The sur- name of the Ensign promoted to a Lieutenancy on the 1st inst. is St. Aubyn, and not St. Aubin, as previously stated. 15th Foot-Brevet-Major J. H. Wingfield to be Major, without purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. R. A. Cuthbert, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut. R. W. Price to be Capt. without purchase, vice Wingfield ; Ensign and Adjt. R. Coupe to have the rank of Lieut. ; Ensign F. B. L'E. Fitzroy tq be Lieut. without purchase, vice Price ; Ensign F. I. Rawhna, from the 3d West India Regiment, to be Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Fitzroy. 24th Foot-For Thomas Hill, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Holford, appointed to the 79th Foot, dated March 7, 1856, which appeared in the Gazette of the 7th inst. read Capt. Thomas Hill, from the North York Militia, to be Ensign, Without purchase, vice Holford, appointed to the 79th Foot.

37th Foot-The first Christian name of Ensign Bell is Robert, and not Arthur 41st Foot-Lieut. C. V. Fitzroy to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet-Major

L. Graham, whose brevet rank has been converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of the 6th of October 1854; Ensign E. J. B. Donelan to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Fitzroy ; First Lieut. M. Ellison, from the Kent Artillery Regiment of Militia, to be Ensign, without Yurchase, vice Donelan ; Quartermaster- Serg. J. Dwyer to be Ensign, without purchase, and Adjt. vice Cross, who resigns the Adjutancy only.

63d Foot-Lieut. W. Paterson, from the 80th Foot, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Carter, promoted ; Lieut. C. A. Morehead, from half-pay 5th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Sutherland, promoted, without purchase, to an Unatt. Company.

67th Foot-Lieut. C. Morgan, from the Bucks Militia, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Colquhoun, appointed to the 15th Foot. 90th Foot-Ensign H. Gordon, from the Ceylon Rifie Regiment, to be Ensign, without purchase. 95th Foot-Capt. J. Henley, from the 5th Dragoon Guards, to be Capt. vice Gar- rard, who exchanges. 96th Foot-Lieut. J. Whiteside to be Capt. without purchase, vice Lambert, deceased ; Ensign H. H. H. Walshe to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Whiteside ; E. J. Scovel, Gent. to be Ensign; without purchase, vice Walshe.

Rifle Brigade-W. Arbuthnot, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase.

3d ;Vest India Regiment-F. I. Rawlins, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rowland.

Ceylon Rifle Regiment-H. Gordon, Gent. to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Roddy, promoted-; A. Hansard, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Gordon, appointed to the 90th Foot.

British German Legion-1st Light Dragoons-Count Ladislaus Sztary, formerly of the Austrian Imperial Cuirassiers, to -be Capt.; L. A. rUckler, to be Lieut. ; A. Von Verga to be Cornet ; Lieut. R. C. Clipperton to be Adjt. 2d Light Drags.-To be Lieuts.-Cornet Baron 0. Von Reischiich, vice Volger,

resigned ; Cornet G. H. Gjertsen. •

4thLight Infantry-To be Captains-Baron E. Von Kronenfeldt, W. Von Lin- singen, C. G. Von Wehrs, C. Munter, 0. Mehlis, E. Von Linsingen, A. W. Von Das- sel, A. Hartwig, A. du Vigneau, F. Buschenhagen. To be Lieuts.--F. Von Hint- zenstern,O. Burstenbinder, Ii. Heymann, R. Lentz, C. Sauer, Id. Ney, F. Essellen, W. Luckhardt, Baron G. Von Gall, J. R. C. Hickson. To be Ensigns-M. Von Pastau, H. Raffiesieper, E. Noyes, H. Von Bothmer, Wilhelm Rirkerup, H. Halli- day, W. Bramley G. Pogson, B. Von Wissell. R. Thompson, Gent. to be Pay- master ; Lieut. II. Heymann to be Adjt. ; E. H. Drake, Gent. to be Quartermaster ;

A. Dankwerts to be Surr,. ; I. Von Willentzky to be Assist.-Surg. ; C. Nix to be Assist: Surg. 5th Light Infantry-Richard Gelies to be Major ; A. B. de Lasalle to be Pay- master ; .7. Darker to be Quartermaster ; R. Krauthausen to be Surg.; L. Stauffer to be Assist.-Ourg ; A. Willman to be Assist.-Surg. 6th Light Infantry-G. M. Murray to be Paymaster ; C. Wagner to be Surg. ; G. Niebour to be Assist: Surg. ; J. M. Sticker to be Assist.-Surg. • Deptd at Heligoland-Capt. F. C. Von Hennings to be Deptt Adjt. vice Hoff- mann, appointed to the Staff; Peter Michels to be DiIpta Quartermaster, vice Ad: dison, resigned.

Provisional DEA Battalion-Capt. F. W. Gostling, from the 49th Foot, tote Assist.-Adjt. vice King, appointed Adjt. Unattached-Brevet-Major L. Graham, of the 41st Foot, to have his brevet rank converted into substantive rank, under the Royal Warrant of the 6th of Oct. 1854.

Hospital Staff-Surg. J. W. Mostyn, M.D. from the 2d West India Regt. to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class ; Acting Assist: Surg. J. D. Healy to be Assist.- Surg. to the Forces. Brevet-The following promotion to take place consequent upon the death of the undermentioned officers-Field-Marshal Lord Raglan, G.C.B, died June 28, 1855 ; Gen. Sir W. G. Davey, died Jan. 25, 1856 ; Gen. Sir John Grey, K.C.B. died Feb. 19, 1856-Lieut.zGen. C. A. A'CourtRepington, C.B. to be Gen. Brevet-lieut.-Col. R. A. Cuthbert, retired upon full-pay, 15th Foot, to be Col. in the Army, the rank being honorary only. Major 6. T. Christie, 80th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army.

The undermentioned officer, having completed three years' service in She rank, of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal Warrant Id Oct. 6, 1854: Lieut.-Col. W. Irwin, half-pay, 80th Foot, (Assist.-Quartermaster- Gen. Kilkenny.)

The undermentioned Lieuts. serving with local rank in Turkey while attached to the Turkish Contingent, tp he.attaebed., to the Osmanli Horse Artillery-Lie' uts. J.

• Thorbura, G. Smith;31. _Nelson, N. Dogherty, D. Dowling. The undermentioned. gentlemen to have the.local rank .of Quartermasters of the Second Class while attached to the Turkish Contingent-G.. Hamilton ; Mr. Hall, late Marine Artillery.

The undermentioned gentlemen to have the local rank in. Turkey while serving with the Turkish Contingent-To be Staff-Surg.-Surg. T. Morrison. To be Surgeons..rz. Assist-Surgeons Williamson, vice Wolseley, promoted; C. Fergusen, vice Paton; promoted ; R. Edie, G. Yates, D. M'-Pherson, W. Hutchinson. - To be Assist.-Swg. -Acting Assist:-Surg. S. S. Shepherd. To be Acting Assist.-Surgeons-W. F;

Mason, Gent. E. Meshullam, Gent. - _ •

The undermentioned promotions to take place in the East India Company's Army, consequent upon the death of Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. H. Littler, G.C.B. Bengal Infantry, on the 18th of February-Major-Gen. F. Young, Bengal Infantry, to, be Lieut.- Gen. ; Col:R. Budd, Madras Infantry, to be Major-Gen.

The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's Service, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank, as follows-To be dolonels-.Lieut.-Cols. B. T. Phillips, Bengal Light Caval; G. Wright, Madras Infantry. To be Lieut.- Cols.-Majors T. D. Colyear, Bengal Light Cavalry ; P. Shortreed, Bengal Infantry; H. C. Rawlinson, C.B. Bombay Infantry. To be Major-Capt. J. Duncan, Bengal Infantry.

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FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 28. W sat DEPARTXMT, March 28.-Hospitat Staff-Acting Assist.-Surg. F. Pratt has been permitted to resign his appointment from 25th July 1855.

Memorandum-For Quartermaster Joha Dwyer to be Ensign, without purchase, and Adjutant in the 41st Foot, vice Cross, who resigns the Adjutancy only, which appeared in the Gazette of the 25th inst. read Quart:emitter Sergt. J. Dwyer to be Ensign, without purchase, and Adjt. in the 46th Foot, vice Cross, 8r.c.