29 MARCH 1856, Page 5


The booksellers and publishers of Edinburgh entertained Mr. Black, the new Member for the city, at a dinner on Tuesday, as a demonstration of respect for a brother of the trade. Besides the Edinburgh and other Scotch houses, those of London sent some representatives,—Mr. Murray, for instance, and Mr. Dyer, of the house of Longmans.

For the first time during twenty years an honorary associate has been admitted to the Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland. The fortu- nate associate is the Emperor of the French. He was elected on Wed- nesday, " to mark the grateful sense which the Society entertains of the benefits conferred on agriculture by his Majesty through the institu- tion of the Contours Universel at Paris, and of acknowledging the liberal and courteous manner in which Scotland has been invited to assist on that occasion."

The Reverend C. F. R. Smith, minister of an Episcopal church at Glas- gow, has committed suicide. On Sunday morning, he performed the service in a greatly excited state ; at the conclusion, he announced to the congrega- tion that ' he who now addressed them would never address them again." In the afternoon he came to the church so much excited that some of his friends thought it best to convey him home at once : during the night he hanged himself.