29 MARCH 1884, Page 2

The Huntingdon election of yesterday week showed a very considerable

advance in the strength of the Liberal Party in that borough since the last contest in 1873, though Sir Robert Peel carried his election by the narrow Conservative majority of nine votes. The numbers were,—for Sir Robert Peel (Conserva- tive), 455; for Mr. Veasey, 446,—as close a contest as we have seen recorded for many years. At the last contest, when Mr. Arthur Arnold was defeated by the late Sir J. B. Karslake in 1873, the majority for the Conservative was 158 (Sir J. B. Kars- lake polling 499 votes against 341 given to Mr. Arnold). The Liberals, then, have not gained the seat, but they have come within a measurable distance of gaining it, and may very pro- bably gain it at the general election.