29 MARCH 1902, Page 15



Sra,—Your notice of my book on the Penitential Psalms in the Spectator of March 15th has been forwarded to me by Messrs. Longmans, Green, and Co. Will you allow me to point out that your reviewer has by mistake misquoted the note from Lorinus on Psalm mil. 7 ? My note runs thus : "But if they procrastinate their repentance till in the time of the great water-floods of extreme tribulation or death, they shall not, but by the special goodness of God, be enabled to draw nigh Him at the last." The words I have italicised are omitted altogether by your reviewer, and as this gives an entirely wrong impression of the interpretation given in ray book, I shall be grateful if you will kindly remedy the error in your next issue.—I am, Sir, &c., Edenthorpe, Scarborough. ANNIE B. Bsuar-Bnowinc. [We much regret the omission pointed out by our corre- spondent.—ED. Spectator.]