29 MARCH 1902, Page 15



SID,—The interest you take in the question of labourers' cottages causes me to write and mention that during last year the Local Government Board issued a new set of building by-laws specially for rural localities. The chief point about these by-laws is that the material for building is left to the discretion of the local authorities, the only essential insisted on in this particular being (I speak from memory) a dry course and a concrete foundation. I was sur- prised to find in the month of February that the rural sanitary authority of the district where I live was not aware of the existence of these new by-laws. One would have sup- posed that the Local Government Board would have taken some evident steps to circulate the result of their labours. Let us hope that most local authorities will in future allow

wood for outlying cottages.—I am, Sir, lec., W. A. B.

[We fear that these new model by-laws, which of course are not compulsory, have been very seldom adopted.— ED. Spectator.]