29 MARCH 1913, Page 21


I TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' SIB,—By desire of the governing body of Cherwell Hall, Oxford, a Training College for Women Secondary Teachers, I beg to bring to your notice, as a matter of public interest, particulars with regard to the institution by that governing body of a special certificate for students who wish to become teachers in secondary preparatory schools and junior classes, but who do not possess the University qualification necessary to enable them to obtain a 'Diploma in Teaching.

After this year the Cambridge Teachers' Syndicate will cease to 'examine and issue certificates to non-graduate students, who will thus be deprived of any means, except that afforded by the Froebel Institute, of obtaining training and a certificate of efficiency as junior teachers. These teachers are specially con- cerned with the training of children between the ages of six and twelve in secondary schools. The importance of all teachers obtaining training in the science of teaching is now generally admitted, and it appears to the governing body of Cherwell Hall to be necessary, both in the interests of the children and of the teachers concerned, that facilities for training and a 'certificate should be provided for women teachers by a training college recognized by the Board of Education, and by the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and London.

You will see from the prospectus, of which I enclose a copy, that during the last five years, one hundred students, who wished to become teachers in preparatory secondary schools, have passed through Cherwell Hall, and obtained the Cambridge Teachers' Certificate, which is about to be discontinued. No doubt, a pro- portionate number of these students have passed through other training colleges for women secondary teachers, and the need which the Governors of Cherwell Hall aim at meeting is therefore both a considerable one, and one of importance from the educa- tional point of view. In these circumstances, the Governors hope that you will aid them in making known the particulars of this 'new certificate.

May I explain that Cherwell Hall and the school associated with it are in no way commercial 4nterprises, but are under an Educational Trust, and in receipt of grants from the Board of Education ? The Governing Body includes representatives -appointed by the Oxford City and County Education Committees.

—I am, Sir, CHARLES C. Ossonttz, Secretary.

• 34 Denison House, "Westminster, London, S.W.