29 MARCH 1930, Page 14

$10,000,000 FOR HAPPINESS.

Ten million dollars to buy " happiness for mankind " was Set aside in New York banks some months ago under the provisions of the will of a New York • philanthropist. The sum has remained unspent until such time as the trustees -could determine in what ways they considered it could most profitably be uied. Meantime proniinent men have been asked to make suggestions, and the trustees announce that they favour a plan proposed by Professor Henry E. Garrett, 'of Columbia University. Professor Garrett thinks the $10,000,000 could best be devoted to stemming " the rising tide of 'mental ill-health which bids fair to engulf us in the next few generations." He proposes the establishment of an institute with a staff of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers organized to carry out research into mental and nervous diseases. Free advice would be given to parents of defectively minded children or delinquents, and- other free -and public lectures in mental hygiene Would be provided. In setting aside his fund the donor remarked, " the poor think that if they had wealth they would be happy, but the rich-know . differently, for with more cares there is less happiness." Professor Garrett's plan does not seem to be inconsistent with

the spirit of the benefaction; - - .

New York; Wednesday, March 26th: LHE.