29 MARCH 1930, Page 14


The campaign against unsightly billboards has been strengthened by support from the American Institute of Architects. Declaring that billboards have multiplied to a point where they dull the sensibilities of millions of human beings, in addition to being destructive of natural beauty, the Institute has adopted a strong condemnatory resolution. It does not propose abolition of billboards, but makes the more practical suggestion that they should be confined to definite areas near cities and villages and that their erection should be regulated by public authorities after consultation with civic and artistic organizations. Meantime, the General Federation of Women's Clubs has marked the approach of spring by renewing its campaign to persuade the public to confine its patronage to those advertisers who show respect for the countryside and take pains to avoid billboard advertising which is offensively obtrusive. Meanwhile the earnings of the most important hoarding " company continue to show steady diminution.