29 MARCH 1935, Page 15

Group Settlement

This new scheme of " group settlement " may be said to have three promoters': the MinistrY of Agriculture who suggested and encouraged it ; the Carnegie Truit which is giving a second generous grant ; and the Land Settlement AsSoeiation which is theorganizing body. But it needs also a fourth promoter, . to wit, the general public, without *hose - financial support the endeavour Will be Partial and petty.- One may hope for a generous 'response from all sorts co=operation or in the problem , of unemployment. The and conditions of people, whether interested in the land,' in • CroVertunent will give £1 for every £1 collected by the Asso- eiation, so that every gift,- like Portia's mercy, is twice .blest. These finely designed experiments in social economics may be m made 'on a scale that shall really ensure that return to the land of which reformers have been talking -since the rural exodus -began. The full address is The 'Land Settlement Association, Ltd., Broadway Buildings, Westminster, S.W. 1.