29 MARCH 1935, Page 33

The recent report of the London and Thames Haven Oil

Wharves was a good one, and the favourable izapression created was strengthened by the nature of the recent meeting, when the. Chairman, Mr. Thomas C. J. Burgess,. after referring to the ,increase in profits, mentioned that the Bank had released the company from a guarantee in respect of loans and over- drafts, which they had recently given to the Compagnie Industrielle Maritime. This he. described as a fit and proper course, and interesting as showing the Bank view of the improvement in the position of the French investment. Com- menting upon the first dividend by the French Company of 2i per cent., .Mr. Burgess referred to the fact that this was exactly the same as the first dividend of the Thames Haven Company thirty-seven years ago, and he would not be sur- prised, he said, if, in the future, there were not further imita- tions by C.I.M. of the old Thames Haven Company.

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