29 MAY 1841, Page 13



The principal feature in the business of the week has been the settlement of the Consul Account, on Tuesday ; but as the speculative transactions have not been large, the settlement was not heavy ; there was a considerable pressure for money, and the " continuation" was at one time as high as a per cent : however, a large purchase by the Chancery Broker, for this day, relieved the matket very materially, and the continuation declined to per cent. Money has, again, however, become in demand ; and it is anticipated that, at the closing of the books next week, there will be a pressure of stock upon the market, or, to use the technical expression of the Stock Exchange, that the shutting will be heavy. The attraction of the Epsom Races has thinned the Stock Ex- change ; and though there was a necessity for a general attendance on Wed- nesday morning, to settle the differences arising on the account of the previous day, the business was all arranged before eleven o'clock, and the house became deserted, and has been so during the whole of yesterday and today. A sale of 60,000/. Consols for Account was effected on Wednesday, at 901; but as a purchase of the same amount for money at 90 occurred on the same day, the effect of either operation upon the market was neutralized by the other. The quotations have continued steady, and there is no immediate appearance of a resumption of business. The demand for money has produced a trifling decline in the premium upon Exchequer Bills, which from 10s. has fallen to Ts., and may now be quoted at 7s. to 9s. premium. Bank Stock has improved, and has been done at 168 and 169. We have no quotation of India Stock since our last report. The transactions of the Foreign Stock Exchange have been more limited than those of the English ; and as a necessary consequence, the fluctuations have been unimportant. The various Dividend-paying Continental Bonds are at the quotations of last week. So are, nominally, the Mexican and South Ame- rican: the markets for the latter are very heavy, and any extensive sale at current prices impossible. The Spanish Active Stock, which was previously heavy, was depressed on Wednesday to 231; but as intelligence from Madrid was yesterday received of the formation of a Ministry, the quotations have im- proved, though the market is still in a feeble state. Portuguese Bonds have also risen slightly ; but the improvement has not led to any more extensive business. Indeed, generally, the transactions have been so unimportant as to leave no scope for remark. That portion of the public who have invested their capital in Joint Stock Banks are beginning to reap ample profits. At the recent meeting of the pro- prietors of the National Bank of Ireland. a dividend of 6 per rant, was declared upon the subscribed capital; a sum of 7,000/ was also added to the " rest " or balance, which now amounts to 26,000/.

In some recent proceedings connected with the bankruptcy of Mr. ABBOTT, the late Official Assignee, a serious charge of misapplication of a large sum of money was brought against Messrs. EMART and BELL, members of a very re- spectable firm in the Stock Exchange. These gentlemen immediately called open the Committee of the Stock Exchange to investigate the whole of their transactions with Mr. BENSIT, the gentleman with whom the charge origi- nated; and the result of that investigation has been, the promulgation by the Committee of a report by which Messrs. BWART and BELL are completely exonerated : the charge appears to have originated in an erroneous report of Mr. HENSIT'S evidence.


There has been but little business doing this morning": prices were, how- ever, firm, at the commencement of business' the price of Consols for Money having been 90 to and for Account 90,i i; but an extensive sale has been effected by a broker, and the prices have declined about A per cent. It is re- ported that the French Government has entered into negotiations with Messrs. BoxxxEcnEst and Co. of Paris, for an extensive loan, and that a pigeon- express has arrived from that city bringing intelligence of a decline in the prices of the Funds there yesterday. In the Foreign Market, prices are generally the same, with the exception of Spanish Stock, which has been depressed by a sale made by the broker already alluded to: the price, which was 234 is now 23a I, and the market is heavy at that quotation. The at- tention of the brokers and jobbers is principally taken up with the arrangement of their accounts in anticipation of the settling-day, which is fixed for Monday. Money is in demand, but not scarce.


The usual monthly statement of the quarterly average of the liabilities and assets of the Bank of England has made its appearance. As compared with the last statement, it exhibits an increase of 28.000/. in the Circulation, of 17,000/. in the Deposits, of 283,000/. in the Bullion, while the Securities have been diminished by 165,000L The present amount of hullien in store, viz. 4,921,000L, is larger than it has ever been since May 1839, when it was 6,119,000/. The retrospect of the affairs of the Bank during the present year is highly satisfactory: the amount of bullion at the commencement of the year was 3,557,000L, and it has been steadily on the increase from that period till now, the present amount being 4,921,0001.; the increase during the present year has therefore been 1,364,0004, or nearly 40 per cent, upon the then amount. There has been little if any variation in the Fonda: the premium upon Exchequer Bills has improved, and closes at Ils. to 13s. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active is better, closing at 231 / ; the others without variation.

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Rednced .., .

a+ per Cent. Ditto

894 90 90/ 4 884 9

97s 1

Columbian 6 per Cents Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents

Mexican 5 per Cents. Cons&

22 4

771 180 54 New Je per Cents


Portuguese Regency 2 per Os.

344 Bank Stock — Ditto New 5 per Ceuta. 1811..

ti 290 228:t

Exchequer Bills ... 8 10 pm. Ditto 3 per Cents

hulls Stock 252+ Russian 5 per Cents ..... ... I LI 13

Brazilian 5 per Cents

67 8 Spanish (Active)

23/ 1

Belgian 5per Ceuta 100 1