29 MAY 1841, Page 8


The Queen's birthday was celebrated in Dublin by a review and sham fight in the Plicenix Park, in the presence of the Lord-Lieutenant, It is generally reported that the Lord-Lieutenant is about to marry the Dowager Lady Somerville, widow of the late Sir Marcus Somer- ville, and stepmother of Sir William Somerville, the Member for Drogheda. The bride-elect is young and beautiful, and described by all as remarkable for her accomplishments and fascinating manners.

A meeting of the Reformers of Belfast was held on Monday, in Devliry's Great Rooms, to address the Queen, praying her to appeal to the nation, by a dissolution of Parliament, on the new measures of Minis- ters. The meeting was very largely attended, and was as hearty as Irish meetings are apt to be, and more unanimous than they often are.

"Not a word," observes the correspondent of the Times, "in such of the provincial papers as have reached town since Sunday, of the simul- taneous meetings. Simultaneous silence is still the order of the day."

The Newry Examiner, however, contains reports of meetings held at Beragh and Drumdruff, Garvahy, Dromore, Bright, and Loughgilly ; where resolutions were passed expressing confidence in Ministers' and begging the Queen to exclude the Tories for ever from her councils.

At public meetings in the counties of Galway and Roscommon, re- solutions were carried in favour of the Ministerial Budget propo- A meeting was held at Waterford city on the 19th, to support Lord John Russell in his new financial policy. The Mayor presided.

A general meeting of the Ulster Association is called for the 2d Jane, to take into consideration the Budget propositions ; of course with a view to their support.

Mr. O'Connell has written a "hereditary bondsmen" letter, in- structing the Irish people in their duty at the present juncture. If is interlarded with "Hurrah for Repeal!" such phrases as "these are the times to try men's souls," and reminiscences of Tory denunciations of the " surpliced ruffians " ; but upon the whole it is remarkably tame, and more practical than most of the Agitator's late missives. After an elaborate series of ten arguments, or rather dicta, expounding the duty of the Irish, he sums up their force thus- "Firstly—Get Repealers wherever you can.

"Secondly—Get Radicals where you cannot get Repealers. "Thirdly—Get Whigs where you cannot get either Repealers or Radica/a.. "Fourthly—Oppose the Tories everywhere, and in every thing. " Fifthly—It is also your duty to entertain the utmost contempt for the judgment of any man, and to suspect his honesty, who shall now, by abusing the Whigs, serve and promote the interests of the Tories."

The Limerick Reporter contains an account of a great meeting on the Hill of Kilnoe. in Clare county, in support of Repeal and of Irish ma- nufactures. It is reckoned that 100,000 persons were present ; and "though the masses did not consist exclusively of Teetotallers," not one among them exhibited the least sign of liquor. Repeal and protected Irish trade had it all their own way ; coupled, curiously enough, with approval of the Ministerial finance measures. Several of the speakers were Roman Catholic priests. Some of the oratory was amusing: we take one specimen from the mouth of Mr. Charles O'Connell- " He would not sever England from Ireland. He loved his Queen too much. That splendid young woman, of gigantic and powerful mind, is determined to resist those hellish Tories. She won't allow them to come near her. If she did, they would give her Griffith's gruel, as they gave to the Princess of Wales, in order to make way for the Hanoverian Despot to the throne. There is no fear of their Queen, whilst she has seven millions Irish subjects at her back. No George or Hanoverian was ever like her. Her anxiety is to place her Irish subjerts on a proper footing; but, whilst coerced by the English Tories, she cannot. If Charles the First had seven millions Irish subjects at his back, his head would never have been cut off. The Tories would lessen those seven mil- lions in-order to strengthen the crown, indeed, but to prevent Ireland becoming a nation. The emigration scheme is set on foot, and Ireland's sons are sent away to a foreign clime, to seek what they cannot get at home. They are sent to replace Blacks, who are now free, and consequently too high-minded to submit to slavery. They are being seut to Jamaica and other islands, to bear the lash that the Blacks would no longer submit to.. Look around you, men of Clare, see the mountains and irreclaimable lands, which, if the laws and landlords would but reclaim, and encourage cultivation, you would be at home, and need not emigrate."

On Wednesday, at noon, Mr. Hall, a merchant of Dublin, was mur- dered in the vicinity of his own residence, near Borris-o'-Kane. Mr. Hall is declared to have been of excellent private character, and very popular with the people on account of his Liberal political principles

An excited state of the popular feeling, arising from a recent adoption of the depopulating system by certain landlords in the district, has been the only cause suggested for the crime. Mr. Hall, however, is not alleged to have been in any way concerned with these proceedings.