29 MAY 1847, Page 10



The appearance of the market has been much better during the past week than for some time before. The upward movement has continued without any material check, and the closing prices of Consols today indicate an advance of about 1 per cent as compared with those given in our last report. The holders of the Scrip of the new Loan are taking advantage of the discount offered by Government upon the prepayment of the instalments: nearly 5,000,0001. has been paid in full, while tip= 1,500,0001. more the June and July instalments have been made. Under these circumstances, the position of the Bank of England has become much more favourable; and as, in addition to the large increase to their unemployed store of notes arising from the payments in question, the amount of bullion is un- derstood to have increased, the Directors have been enabled to be much more liberal in their discount operations. The rate of discount for short bills is about 5-per cent; those of a longer date are easily discountable at 5. The Directors- have also lent money largely, till the 9th of July, upon the security of Coneols and Exchequer Bills, at 5 per cent. Yesterday was fixed for the settlement of the Consol Account; when, notwithstanding the very large creation of Stock by the anticipation of the payments upon the Loan, there was no preseure of it upon the market. This favourable condition was in a great measure due to the measures of the Bank Directors already stated, and to the fact of their having taken Stock to the extent of 2,000,000/s being that which they had borrowed money upon in the April Account. Exchequer Bills have not shown any indications of material improvement, the quotation having till today continued at par to 2s. premium: this afternoon, however, they shared in the general advance, and the premium has reached 9s. It may be mentioned as an indication of improvement, that a large amount of bullion is on its way from St. Petersburg, by the Camilla steamer, the arrival of which may be expected daily. It is uncertain whether this bullion is upon the Government or private account.

The business in the Foreign Funds has not been more extensive than usual: but prices are generally higher. The Portuguese Securities are an exception: one influential broker has been a seller whenever the state of the market would allow of it: the price has declined about 1 per cent. There seems considerable uncertainty as to the payment of the next dividend. A dividend upon the por- tion known as "Portuguese Annuities " will become due on Tuesday next: that upon the Four per Cent and Five per Cent Stock arising out of the Regency Loans will not be payable till the 1st of July. Mexican Bonds are rather firmer; having partaken of the general improvement, in the absence of any discouraging intelligence from Mexico.

The Railway Shares are all higher: in some of the more important ones we notice a considerable improvement. Thus, North-western have advanced about Si.; South-western, about 21.; Midland, between 1/. and 21.; while there is more demand for some of the lesser varieties.

In the French Shares, the transactions have been rather more important than usual, with a tendency to improvement in the prices.


The most important feature of the accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 22d instant, is the large increase in the amount of public de- posits—.upwards of 3,700,0001. There is also an increase of 627,0651. in the amount of unissued notes in the Banking Department. Under the head of' the Issue Department, there is an increase of 233,2351. in the note circulation; of 230,8571. In that of gold bullion; and of 2,928/. in the silver bullion. The amount of precious metals in store in the Banking Department has, however, decreased 154,5951.; under this head, therefore the aggregate increase is only 78.0601. The transfer of bullion from the Banking to the Issue Department must be taken as an index of the desire of the Directors to extend their circulation, and to relieve the existing presser) as much as possible. The English Funds are rum at the closing quotations of yesterday; Consols for Money having been at 881, while for Account the opening price was 89. The present quotations are 88*1 for Money, and 881 89 for Account. There is no material change or busi- ness of importance in the Foreign Bonds. The tone of the market for Railway Shares 1.13 good; and in the transactions of the morning the improved prices of yesterday have generally been maintained. The following are the only bargains as yet re- corded: Eastern Comities, 191 h ; Great Northern, 2; Great Western New, 8; Northswestern 176; South-western, Consolidated Eighths, 271; Western, Buxtou, and datleck, 1; Ilidland, New 501, 40; North British, Thirds,21; York and Newcastle, Preference, 7; East and West Riding Extensiou, 201; Boulogne and Amiens, 16 3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced


881 9 871 *

Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 21 per Cents

Ditto 4 per cents.

82 4 031 89 90 31 per Cents 894 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 2041 Long Annuities 8 15-16 9 New Grenada 101 201 Bank Stock

Portuguese Neer 5 p. Cts. 1841 33 4 Exchequer Bills

I 2-poem.

Peruvian. . 368 India Stock

Russlan 5 per Cents 109 11 Brazilian 5 per Cents 82 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

221 I

Belgian 41 per Cents Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent

90 92 as 8

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 341 379 Chllian Spar Cents 92 4