29 MAY 1886, Page 13



Sta,—How to combine the concession of local self-government in its widest sense, or Home-rule, with the maintenance of abso- lute "Imperial unity," is the all-important problem of the hour. Could it not be solved in a rational manner by the Irish Members meeting in Parliament in Dublin during the autumn and early winter months for business exclusively Irish, and joining the Imperial Parliament as heretofore on its assemblage in February ?

Scotch Members might in like manner, and during the same period, meet in Edinburgh for business exclusively Scotch ; and those for the Principality in some town in Wales ; whilst England itself might be divided into certain large sections, and the Members for the Metropolis might also meet for the discussion of its special affairs. Each Member of Parliament on his election would be, ipso facto, a Member of a National or Metropolitan Parliament, as also of the supreme Imperial Assembly at Westminster. By this arrangement, it seems to me, the fullest legitimate satisfaction might be afforded to national aspirations, whether Scotch, Irish, or Welsh; while, on the other hand, the unity of the Empire would be absolutely preserved, and Parlia- ment itself relieved of that vast harden of local business with which at present it is so injuriously hampered.

That many objections can be raised to this idea, and that in the carrying it out there would be many difficulties to be sur- mounted, is a matter of course ; but such do not seem to me likely to be greater than those in connection with any other scheme for the object proposed.—I am, Sir, &c., [If the Local " Parliaments " were limited to private Bill legislation, the Irish Members would reject Mr. Nixon's sugges- tion with scorn, and the word" Parliaments" would be eminently misleading. If not, then the unity of the Kingdom would dis- appear, and some elaborate federal Constitution like that of the United States would have to be devised.—En. Spectator.]