29 MAY 1886, Page 2

Cannot Lord Rosebery end this question of the Canadian Fisheries

? The Governments of Washington and London are too sensible to quarrel over a few cod ; but all fishery questions are dangerous, because it is necessary, in resist- ing intrusion on fishing-grounds or sending fishermen for trial, to employ armed force. So far as we can see, the whole dispute now raging between Canada and New Eng- land turns upon the question whether, under existing treaties, American fishing-smacks can be legally seized in Canadian ports for buying bait presumed to be wanted for illegal fishing in Canadian waters. Surely that is a question of law rather than of diplomacy, and both Governments might consent to accept the decision of any Court of repute or any Com- mission of lawyers. Even private persons would hardly come to fisticuffs over such a matter as that ; but it evidently irritates both Canadians and New Englanders out of all reason. The New Englanders think that they are treated with violence, and the Canadians think that smugglers are supported by a foreign Power.