29 MAY 1909, Page 1

The Chief Burgomaster and other members of the Berlin Municipal

Council have paid a visit to London during the week. On Tuesday, when the visitors were at the City of London School for Boys, the Chief Burgomaster declared that the only rivalry which should exist between Britain and Germany should be in education and in the cultivation of harmonious feelings. On the same day they were entertained at luncheon by the Drapers' Company, and on Wednesday they dined at a banquet in the Fishmongers' Hall. They have also visited numerous institutions and been present at various entertainments. On Thursday they had luncheon with the Lord Mayor, when very cordial speeches were delivered. Such international visits which can be conducted with mutual respect are to be heartily welcomed, for an easier state of feeling between ourselves and Germany is much more likely to come from actual knowledge of one another—from knowing the truths about one another—than from proposals as to armaments which are evidently wholly unacceptable in Germany, and which, indeed, argue a certain want of knowledge of German political thought.