29 MAY 1915, Page 1


THE National Ministry has been formed. It is perhaps a good omen that there has been no outburst of admira- tion over its composition, for who does not remember the fate of " the Ministry of all the talents " P Yet but for the natural and very proper dread of over-confidence, the nation might well be proud of its new Government. Ira- douLtedly it includes what is best on the political side of the nation. We will not, however, repeat here what we have said elsewhere as to the personal quality of the Cabinet. It is enough to note that though "for the press of knights not every brow could receive the laurel," and though there are a good many good men on both sides who have been obliged to stand out, there has never been a Cabinet in our history in which there are so few men who cannot make good their claim to be where they are.