29 MAY 1915, Page 1

The Government is a National Government, and its prime task

is to procure that concentration of national energy, that arraying of the people as a whole, which alone can ensure us victory. Every man in the nation must be at the disposal of the Government. To him must be put the question : " What are you doing to help to save the country ?" If he cannot give an answer that is satisfactory, then let the Government tell him what he has got to do to redeem him- self from the charge that he is letting others. fight for him while be skulks in idleness or turns the public danger to his private gain. But though a National Government will be of little use if it cannot array the nation for war, we are not so unreasonable as to ask that there should be precipitate action. The new Government must he allowed to find its feet. All we ask is that it should not be frightened by word, or be afraid to survey and muster the nation (quite as much for the making of munitions as for fighting in the field), lest some- body should talk about conscription or invoke the sacred liberty of the subject not to fight for his country.