29 MAY 1915, Page 2

Italy has joined the Allies, and is at war with

Austria, Germany, and Turkey. There ie no doubt of the whole- heartedness, the clearness of conscience, and the high motives with which she has entered the war. On Thursday week the declaration of policy by the Government in both the Chamber and the Senate was received with repeated outbursts of enthu- siasm. Signor Salandra, the Premier, submitted a Bill con- ferring extraordinary powers on the Government in the event of war. This was adopted by four hundred and seven votes to seventy-four—a tremendous victory for the Salandra-Sonnino policy. The opposition of Signor Giolitti had simply die- appeared—like Signor Giolitti himself, who has left Rome. The entrance into the Chamber of Signor Salandra, Baron Sonnino (Minister for Foreign Affairs), and the other Ministers was received with cries of "Long live Italy!" 4' Long live the King !" Signor Salandra said that the whole object of Italy in entering the Triple Alliance had been to maintain peace. But the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia had not only done violence to Italy's peculiar interests in the Balkans, but had stultified the one purpose for which Italy had joined the Alliance.