29 MAY 1920, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, I am desired by Mr. G. Morgan, President of the Euro- pean Asociation of India, to ask you to be good enough to publish the fact that the European Association of India pro- tests strongly against the claim of 'the Times of India to represent European opinion in India in the matter of the action taken by the military authorities at Amritsar during the disturbances of April, 1919. The statement to which objection is taken by the European Association, representing non-official European opinion in India, appeared in the Times of India on May 5th, and was cabled from Simla on May 13th, appearing in the Times and other London papers on May 15th. The Times of India does not represent the European commuit'ty in India, and the European Association most strongly dept. cates erroneous comments of this character before the publica- tion of the Hunter Committee's Report.—I am, Sir, &o.,