29 MAY 1926, Page 12



[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—I was much interested in reading the letter from Mr. Stanley A. Greenland, of Port Moresby, Papua, appearing in your issue of February 27th under the heading of " Voluntary Contributions for the State." It may interest you to know that the matter of raising funds amongst the British born- in the United States of America for the purpose of assisting the Mother Country in the liquidation of her debt to this country has been for some time seriously considered by Britons residing in this city, and a movement has now been started with this object in view. You will appreciate the amount of work neces- sary to organize a nation-wide appeal of this character, but I am confident that it can and will be eventually accomplished. It is too early to inform you as to the plans, but I hope in due course to be able to write to you as to what is being done. It is hoped that a start having been made in this country, which I suggest is the logical place, it will be followed in other countries wherever Britons reside, and thus in time become a world. wide movement.—I am, Sir, &c., JOHN A. BISHOP.

311 California Street, San Francisco.