29 MAY 1953, Page 28

Eddie Marsh. Sketches for a composite literary portrait of Sir

Edward Marsh, K.C.V.O. C.B., C.M.G. Compiled by Christopher Hassall and Denis Mathews. (Lund Humphries, for the Contemporary Art Society. 7s. 6d.) FRIENDS as varied as Graham Sutherland and Walter de la Mare, Rose Macaulay, Edmund Blunden and Sir Ronald Storrs, have joined to provide these tributes of appreciation in remembrance of "Eddie" Marsh. In a foreword, Sir Winston Chur- chill says that his friendship "is a memory which I put high among my treasures." There is an Introduction by Sir Harold NicOlson, an Epilogue by Lady Violet Bonlinin Carter, and a Tailpiece from Sir Max Beerbohm. Those who buy this booklet will not only do honour to the memory of one who, though not a man of wealth, was perhaps the most truly generous friend to art and letters that this century has known, but will also benefit the purchas- ing fund of the Contemporary Art SOciety, which is just what he would have wished. As Barrie wrote to him in 1932 (in a letter now first published): "There are few men of letters who in our time have so abundantly earned the affection of our calling. One can trace your helping hand here, there, everywhere; you never seem to give a thought to self when there are others whom you can encourage along the way."