29 MAY 2004, Page 28

From Major (Rtcl} Louis Parsons

Sir: It is dispiriting to those who from the outset have regarded the invasion of Iraq as an error of judgment, for your distinguished defence expert James Delingpole to suggest that we punch 'the air with glee' on hearing of the (possible) looting of Baghdad Museum, the Shia rebellion or Abu Ghraib, etc. We are saddened by all such things, as we are by attacks on coalition forces.

Not everyone agrees that it is our mission to try to reshape the Islamic world in our own image. The belief that invading Iraq was the wrong response to terrorism does not make one a 'pea-brained isolationist'; and to label as 'appeasement' the view that the defence of the realm did not call for the invasion of Iraq is just dotty.

Journalism may be 'history shot on the wing', but John Keegan at least knows what he's talking about. James Delingpole usually writes (sometimes quite amusingly) about himself, and perhaps should stick to his last. Louis Parsons

Ashford, Kent