29 NOVEMBER 1884, Page 23

CHRISTMAS CARDS.—We have received a sample of Christmas Cards from

Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode. They consist of endless varieties of flowers, some of them hand-painted ; some pretty arrangements of vignetted photographs, and also many quaint and amusing scenes in which children are the actore.—As usual, Messrs. Marcus Ward and Co. surpass most other publishers in the variety and choice of Christmas and New Year's Cards, and they offer not only variety of subject, but variety of price, which begins as low as one halfpenny. The flower-pieces are, on the whole, very pretty, and we have also numerous entertaining scenes and illustrations. Though the low-priced Christmas Cards are especially worthy of mention, the others must not be overlooked. The portfolios of drawings in particular are very good. Among these are several sets of pleasant little seascapes and ship-drawings by H. C. Wright; numerous sketches of animal life by Dadd ; hunting scenes by Miss Bower, with her well-drawn horses and riders, who look as if they could ride ; and many others too numerous to mention. The coloured printing is refined and good.