29 NOVEMBER 1890, Page 25

Esther Level : a Life - Story. By Sarson C. J. Ingham.

(Hodder and Stoughton.)—Goody-goodyism and worldly wisdom, an eye to the Kingdom Of Heaven, and the earthly reward of a husband with a title and a fortune, are curiously mingled in this rather tedious story. The characters are numerous, and not very natural ; but some of them are interesting, and although we do not altogether believe in Esther Lovell's universal accomplish- ments, and wish she did not rest her mind from her duties as companion to Lady Lisle (a rise from a lower station in the house- hold) by reading Plato in the Greek, and although Lord Lisle is a most egregious prig, we are rather glad that Esther gets her lover and her title in the end. She will be such a very proper peeress, and we are so tired of improper ones.