29 NOVEMBER 1919, Page 13


(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In view of the great shortage of housing accommodation, I venture to draw your attention to a paragraph in the Daily Chronicle of November 17th, which states that 120 cottages have been built in Westmorland for ex-Service men, and called War Memorial cottages. It does not state whether they were erected from public or private funds. Would it be possible through your columns to make the suggestion that private individuals might do likewise ? What more practical memorial of any fallen hero than to provide a home for a disabled soldier or sailor, or for his widow and children ? The cottages might be given the name of any of the great battles which cost so many lives—Mon,s, Ypres, Jutland, &c. Perhaps those who have lost relatives in some great struggle might combine and share in such a much-needed and lasting memorial.—I am, Sir, &c., IN MEMORY OF JULY 1ST, 1916.