29 NOVEMBER 1930, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

hope Sir Francis Goodenough will not think I am decrying the use of gas when I point out that by no means all the " most fastidious chefs in the most famous kitchens" use his company's product. Many French and Italian chefs continue to insist on using coal or coke. Other cooks prefer electricity—for instance, those at the Kit Kat Restaurant, Liberty's, Peter Robinson's.

Other hotels and restaurants which I am informed are using electricity entirely for cooking are the Esplanade and the Grand at Frinton-on-Sea, the St. Austell Bay Hotel in Cornwall, and Peacocks Restaurant in Glasgow. No doubt there are many more, and no doubt they have their reasons for their preference. Sir Francis seems to me to protest a little too much. I never attacked the gas industry in my article, nor did I say that electricity was cheaper than gas. What I do say is that both have their uses. In my small flat I use both coalite and a gas fire, and an electric heater occasionally, when I want to raise the temperature quickly.—! am, Sir, &e.,