29 NOVEMBER 1935, Page 38


At the annual meeting of Mitchells and Butlers, the Chairman, Sir William Waters Butler, devoted; as will be seen from a report on another page, a considerable part of his speech to what he described as "A controversion of sonic of the fallacies now-a-days prevalent with regard to the taxation of the liquor trade and also in the matter of the use of British barley for malting purposes." Referring to Viscount Snowden's suggestion that Mr. Neville Chamberlain, in his reduction of ;the beer duty, had made a present of £14,000,000 to the brewers, Sir William maintained that Mr. Chamberlain had only restored the beer duty to what it was before Lord Snowden made " his. unjust 'and vindictive ;additions." Sir William expressed the hope that the inter-_ national political situation might soon become more steady, 'and that the Government would not be involved in such expenditure as to bring about an increase in taxation which,

(Continued on page v.)

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 924.)

in all probability, would retard the Continuance of present prosperity. The company, Sir William said, was still expending large sums of money in bringing its licensed Properties up to modern standards, and it would continue • this policy so long as trading results permitted.