29 NOVEMBER 1969, Page 35


No. 581: Striking news

hers' strikes are obviously going to be the news for some time to come. There already been a good deal of discussion to the pros and cons of the matter, but so no comment from those most intimately erned—the schoolchildren. Competitors invited to make good this deficiency in a er home from Billy Bunter, Tom Brown,

Molesworth, Psmith or any other

I known schoolboy (or girl) in fiction. minim 120 words; entries, marked 'Corn- :.on No. 581,' by 12 December.

No. 578: The winners

or Grove reports: YOUR ILLUSIONS 7 RUSSIAN WOMEN SHATTERED FOR ONLY 6' is the slogan, as Strix pointed out, ch a publisher has been using to advertise w edition of Tolstoy's War and Peace. mpetitors were invited to provide a simi- y felicitous attempt to persuade the public buy any one of Shakespeare's plays. No I difficulty here of course, and no short- of entries: models for this kind of en come-on abound. The trick, as most petitors clearly appreciated, is to rely rely on the application of the old smoke/ relationship, though there is a milder. less fly approach to the whole problem, cur- tly typified by a genial ad for David pperfield and The Old Curiosity Shop: w . . . let these unforgettable characters the world's master story-teller walk into r home.' A guinea for each entry printed: chard 111. Now you can read it! Amazing losures of bitter rivalry among the lest in the realm. England's Royal ily in appalling scandals, involving con- racy and murder. Entire Kingdom staked one horse! And lost!

Elizabeth Burrows

d a break but can't afford a cruise?

d a fifty-penny piece on William Shake- are's The Tempest, the wonder-play that Bermuda on the map and still makes raphy breath-taking.

S. MacArthur

Is Andronicus—Some people say this play sick that Shakespeare could never have lien it. We're not so sure. Why not form own opinion? FREE LIFE INSURANCE h every copy. Your dependants will ewe £10,000 should you expire as a result reading it.

Tim O'Dowda

6o/onus—What did Coriolanus love best all—war, honour, Rome, his wife—or ply dear old Mom? Read the play that vs that Shakespeare knew instinctively at it took Freud a lifetime to find out.

Tim O'Dowda

est or revenge? Was Ophelia really mad did she guess? Was the Ghost one hun-

d proof or Hamlet's alibi? Here's a con- sation starter to fascinate your friends!

d Hamlet and decide for yourself . . bumper bargain at 30s plus Super Bonus


T. Griffiths

er Lavinia, her hands cut off, and her Sue cut out, and ravish'd'. Yes, all human is there between the covers of Shake- speare's Titus Andronicus. Meet Tamora, Queen of Goths, sadist and sensualist whom only Aaron, a full-blooded Negro, can sat- isfy. We are reprinting this play in spite of charges that we are ruining the remade lives of various characters ...

C. A. Mc/vor For the price of a tin-opener you can have the lid taken off the Trojan war. Get rid of all your romantic ideas about the most squalid conflict in history while reading Troilus and Cressida by William Shake- speare, the man who put the word 'pander' into the English language.

G. J. Blundell