29 OCTOBER 1836, Page 10



The Money Market has presented very different appearances during the week; lantiag been first firm, then depressed. and then again improved. The effect afithe.recent nu:mare adopted by the Bank Directors is beginning to tell upon

Provitici al eirenlation. Money is very scarce both at Liverpool and Mancheater ; and during some days lest week, a complete panic occurred in the markets ; sun Railway Shares, which are the securitiea principally dealt in at those emporia. were almost unsaleable. A general feeling of distrust is stated to prevail in the commercial transactions of Lancashire, and the anticipations of the winter are very gloomy. The firmness of our Money Market has been occas' 1 by the arrival uf intelligence from New York that the excaange on England bad materially improved ; and but for the state of things in the Alatotrdeturing districts, we have little doubt that the improvement in the prices of Fowls would have been more considerable. The Scotch Batiks have sold a very considerable quantity of Stock : the amount thus thrown upon the market kas AllpilliEd the demand, and Stock for money is now very plentiful. Ex- chequer Bills are lower to-day than they have been ; the rise in the premium which occurred recently, not having been maintained.

In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been comparatively steady. The reported surrender of GOMEr has not been confirmed ; but the transactions of the week have not been such as to call for any remark. The bargains effected for perioda after the tat of November are without the coupon which will become due on that day ; and the price is about 8 below the quotation for tnouey. The Debentures are about 23.

Portuguese Stock has materially improved, and is to-day more than 3 per cent, above our last prices. The recent revolution does not appear likely to be permanent; and it is anticipated that the next arrivals will bring intelli- gence of the reestablishment of the charter of Don PEDRO. This conviction, an conjunction with the arrangements which have been made to secure the Dividends due on the 1st of December, have given increased currency to the Bonds ; and the result has been the improvement just referred to.

The European Continental Stocks continue to improve. Dutch, Russian, and Belgian, ale still in demand.

Brazilian is also higher ; but the other American Stocks are neglected. The Railway Shares have partaken of the Lancashire depression ; and Lon- don and Birmingham have been done 20/. below recent quotations. The Great Western and Southampton are still heavy, and though there has been some considerable business in the cheaper varieties, the fluctuations have not been extensive.


Consols are flatter this morning. Money is, however, rather more abundant, and there does not appear to be any pressure upon the Exchequer Bill Market. The Foreign Funds are nearly at yesterday's prices, with the exception of Spanish ; upon which the decline which has occurred in the price of these Bonds in Paris, has operated disadvantageously. Our price to-day is 6 per cent. below that of yesterday. The Railway Shares are generally as yesterduy. Those of the London and Birmingham have recovered in a slight degree the re- cent depression, and are at 60 63 prem. ; Gleat Western are 10 11 prem. ; Greenwich 2 3 prem.; and Southampton 573 dis.

3 per Cent. (7intsols

871 I Doltish 3 per Cents. 74 75 B tto for Account 871 1 Dutch 2. per Cents 53. .

3 per Cent. RIsillet.41 871 t Mexican 6 per Cents 22.

New 3. per Cent Anus

9. i

Portuguese Regency 5 p. eta. 551 India •?•tock — Ditto 3 per Cent. 344 6 Bank Stock — Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip . — Excliettner Bills 2 ilis.3 pm. Prussian ( ISIS) Slier Cert .. — Belgiau 6 per Cents lelf 2. Russian (1822)5 per Cent...


Brazilian 5 per Cents 801 li Slowlisit (1835) 5 per Cent... 201


The various Stock-markets close without any material variation from the znorning's prices. Portuguese Bonds are the only Securities in which we can notice any alteration ; during the afternoon they have been in demand, and close at an advance of nearly 6 per cent.