29 OCTOBER 1887, Page 23

Almack's. 3 vols. (Remington and Co.)—This is a new edition

of a novel which appeared sixty years ago. It is interesting to see what it was that pleased the readers of that day, and not altogether un- satisfactory to compare it with the successful novel of to-day. Almach's is, as its title would suggest, a tale of fashionable life. People of title abound in its pages, and those who are not titled are at least fashion- able, excepting the nouveaux riches, who are introduced by way of a foil. The conversation is interlarded with French, but it is not parti- cularly lively. Of action there is but little ; of drawing of character, scarcely more. The whole is decorous, bat somewhat dull. If we are to have any more revivals, they might be more carefully selected.