29 OCTOBER 1910, Page 20


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTAT0R."1 Sia,—May I call the attention of your readers to the institution, of teaching of Russian subjects at the University of Liverpool ? For the ordinary B.A. degree students may take two of the three following :---(a) Russian language and literature, and grammar of the Slavonic languages; (b) Russian history, including the study- of Russian materials ; (c) economic history of Russia, also including the study of Russian materials. The same subjects:- can be studied without reference to the ordinary University course, and those who obtain in two of them a mark equivalent to the mark of distinction in the degree examination will receive the University certificate in Russian. This enables post-graduatea and others to devote two years exclusively to the study of Russian. subjects. In close relation with the School of Russian Studies at the University of Liverpool there is a very strong Anglo-Russian. Committee in Russia, including several Members of the Duma_ This Committee regards as very important the adequate prepara- tion of Englishmen for salaried posts in Russia, and is prepared. to further the placing of qualified candidates. The school also. has correspondents in practically all the Russian Universities.

Special attention may be directed to the teachinc, of economics-_ The staff at the University of Liverpool, which' numbers four persons, includes a trained Russian economist, Mr. V. F. Hoffding, who has conducted responsible work of the same kind in Russia.

The movement for closer relations between the two countries may be said to depend very largely on the training of Englishmen for posts in Russia. There is everything to favour a much greater development of economic ties between the two countries

and this will be the best guarantee for the strengthening of the present good understanding. It is in this wider sense that E venture to ask your assistance in making known to Englishmen. the opportunities which exist for entering on a study of Russia.—