29 OCTOBER 1910, Page 3

On Thursday the Daily Telegraph published from its naval correspondent

a very important statement asserting that the German shipbuilding programme has been suddenly delayed owing to a radical alteration in the type of gun now being mounted in the latest British 'Dreadnoughts.' He says :— " It is now certain that Germany cannot possibly possess twenty- one capital ships by April, 1913. The whole naval outlook has been changed by the dramatic appearance of the new British 13.5-inch gun of unparalleled power, and with a 1,250 lb. shell. The 'Dreadnought' carries 12-inch weapons, with an 850 lb. shell, and it was assumed in this country, and in Germany and elsewhere, that this gun would be mounted in the later British vessels. The Admiralty kept their secret so well that every one was deceived. It was not until the early days of August that it became common knowledge that last year the Admiralty placed orders for a number of 13.5-inch guns and gun-mountings. The new development had at once a surprising result in Germany. The ships ordered—but not laid down—in April were to have carried a 12-01-inch gun, whereas the earlier German 'Dread- noughts' had been supplied with an 11-inch weapon. Directly the news was received in Germany of the action of the British Admiralty, the preparations for the construction of these four ships were suspended."

According to this statement, the respective numbers of British and German 'Dreadnoughts' in the next three years will be :—

Britain. Germany.

End of 1911 ... ••• ... 11 April, 1912 ... ... 13 April, 1913 ... ... 13