29 OCTOBER 1965, Page 12

The Sex War

SIR,—On page 477 of your issue of October 15. 1965, there is published a letter captioned 'The Sex War.' I don't wish to indulge myself in what the writer says and what not. But in the last lines of the third paragraph the writer says, `Mr. Randolph S. Churchill seems to belong to Islam in this belief of his—that women are lesser creations than men.'

I would like to submit to the learned writer Claire Rayner, that our prophet, our holy book, Quran, the sayings of prophet, nowhere indicate and state that women are the lesser creations. In fact, Islam has given equal rights to men and women and has kept not any difference. To remark such about a religion without having adequately knowing what that religion says, to my mind does not appeal justifiable and knowledgeable, in any way.

If the writer wants any further information to add in her knowledge, she would be most welcomed to write to me and I will, in turn, gladly furnish her everything she wants in this regard.