29 SEPTEMBER 1832, Page 20

The Second Number of MAJOR'S Cabinet Gallery of Pictures con-

tains the "Holy Family" and the "Puck" of Sir JOSIIUA REYNOLDS— two of his best pictures. They are boldly engraved, with a good general effect; preserving also the expression and character of the originals. The CLAUDE (called the "Marriage Festival of Isaac and Rebecca") in the National Gallery, forms the third plate; but its delicious hues, and transparent, tender tone, are but indifferently rendered in the en- graving, which is below par in point of execution. Notwithstanding this partial blemish, however, the work is exceedingly meritorius. ALLAN CUNNINGHAM iS as vivid in his descriptions of the pictures as he is honest and just in his criticisms of them. His sensible re- marks add greatly to the value and interest of the work.