29 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 8



On the 221 inst., at Slanmer, the Countess of ClileitHYMM, of a son. Ou the vlst ins: , at her house at Clifton, near York, Mrs. Caere BOWER, of a daughter.

On the 21st inst., at Longtown, the Wife of the Rev. W. B. Cr.asta, of a daughter.


On the 2511 ins! , at Trinity Chinch, St. NIarylehone, Atriarenr.a HALL Usu., E.11, eldest sou or lint ml Hall, Esti., or Poethstst Pisca, to Eaainise, youngest daughter or Thomson IlonlieN, Esq , also or Portland Place. On the 23th inst., at slaughatn„ Eiaimus CLav.euer, Esti.. late of tho Scots Fasileer Gnards, to Ems A El.tz a n, ATLI, second daughter of William if nalowood, Esti, of Slav hanl Park. S■po■ex. On tlio 25111 inst ,nit Slaugham. CHARON KNzonT SirranAY, Esq., of Twickenham, Barrister at•Laii, tn MAMA. ) ouugest daughter of Vt ilLiam Ilaslewood. Est., of Slaugh tm Fall:. SUAIlea. (111 the 5th tarot. at Lion, near Cathcart, DawiEr. Grim. Esq , Christ Church, hire. to Anises guiTit, klattgliter or the itcv. i/r. Warkflaw. On The 20Lli Strand l Lod4e, Dumhartonshire, itonsarMrrwr.ouI Esq., Isle of the 9th laine Is, to Cir at srt•ma, eldest daughter uf the late Archibald 0111:111030, ur Allelletaal lie atm( tru the 13th or Aneast, st Edge Hill. Albemarle County, Virginia, the seat of Thos anus Jelfersmt Randolph, Esq., Dr. 1). SCOTT M /1110,111A11, A. M.. Oxon, Physician ia I lovannoll, scon,I,ou of l)r. Nleiklehatn, Professor of Natural Philosophy. College, Glaeutos., to Sr P rim la ANN'? LIANDOLVII, youngest daughter of the late Governor The, rims Maim Randolph, of Virs!iiiia. At St. James's, Westminster. London, Dr. C. Ilcotaterate to CATHERINE ELM, daughter of the late James Gla,sen, Esc!, formerly or the Island of Grenada. DEATHS. On the 20th inst., at the Right I tom .louN MAXWELL 1.1td FARNHAM, one of the Representative Peers of Ireland, autl Colonel or the county of Cavan Militia, in his 71st year. On I he 13::: at LIMON Love, the (hal AVAI.TI, a Ron:irs:v Sru•ar, third on the late Rohm t Walter Lord Blantyre, in his 120, stir'.

Ou the 21st inst., at 1St ighton, at: the residence of Inc son-in.law, Colonel Turbo, CB., A lirss • teliet of James I:mole:zee, Esti. On the 17th trust,, at Prickle!. Hall, York, the Rev. T. C. It. Ream,

At Woodlo idge, near Guildford, Jstiss Meares, , late M.P. for that borough', tin Inig 77t in ear. On the A114■14, lit the Manse of Ietchel-Cuslinie, of typhus fever, the Rev.

AS1 lin his 47th !.ear, and 170, or Into ministry. ()11 5: ii nut A 1inns!, at Roseau, the West Indies, rerun, after all of

in his 7fith !.ear.

milr huh ty six hsirs, M nilir JUAN LONGI.Eli, Lieutenant-Governer of the is ant ut Dominica.