29 SEPTEMBER 1838, Page 9



The business of the Stock Minket generally has been very unimport tut, and noticing has I:recurred in the English Funds to call for retna: k • th2y have all

been steady, with very little fluctuation. The premium upon Exchespier Bills is rather lower, and mouey :nay be generally considered as more ita demand : but this circumstance arises solely from the approaching payments by the Re- ceivenaGeneral into the Exchequer, consequent upon the termination of the quarter.

In the Foreign Market, the business has been almost entirely eaufined to Spanish Stock ; which ban experienced a considerable depression : the price was on Monday at I 5,, but declined gradually till yesterday, when it fell 1 per cent. ; and just bcfnue the close of business the Bonds were marked as low as 17. An immediate reaction occurred, and the closing pt ice Was This morning, the market opened at 173 ; was afterwards as high as it:■,1 ; and, after declining to IT. closed at IT; 18. These fluctuations appear to be totiihy unconnected with any political event, but have been entirely catused by the operations of our speculators, :natty of whom have for a bug pet hal been holders of Spanish Stock, but seem now so thoroughly disgusted with the pro- ce"dings of the Governt»ent, that they have closed their speculations, and chi men the stock upon the market. Portuguese Stock is about 1 per cent. lower : the market has been very heavy during the day, but is rather firmer at the dine: the Five per Cent.. (Regency) have been done at 331, and the Three per Cents. at 223 ; both close about per cent. higher. Dutch Stock may be considered as firm ; as may the other Northern Euro- pean Stocks : but there have not been any transactions of importance iu them. Brazilian in heavy ; and has experienced a decline tel more than I per cent. The last silt-ices from Rio Janeiro bring intelligence of a decline of front 4 to 3 per cent, in the price of the local stock : our market is, however, firm at the lower quotation, au cousequenee of the scarcity of stock. The Railway Shares have not supported the ptices at which they were cur- rent last week. Nothing is known of the receipts of the London and Birming- ham during the last six days; and as those parties who are known to be in. formed on the subject, and who took considerable pains to spread the good report of last week, maintain a cautious silence, it is supposed that the great success of that period was purely accidental (arising, among other causes, from the throng of persons who visited Doncaster Races); and hence the shares have declined nearly to the extent of the late rise. Great Western have fallen in a similar degree ; as have indeed almost all those that were influenced by the improvement which we noticed in our last report.


We have very little business doing here this morning. The English Funds

are generally per cent, higher than yesterday : Consols being 93i L for Money, and 94 to 1, for Account. New Three-and-a-half per Cents. are 101R & ; Exchequer Bills and India Bonds the same, viz. 68 70 prem. In the Foreign Market, prices are all nominal. These is no variation in the prices of the Railway Shares: London and Birmingham 82 to 84 prem. ; Southampton 461 471; Croydon 14 171 ; Greenwich 161 171, per share ; Great Western 14 14 prem.

3 per Cent.Consots . 931 4 Brazilian 5 per Coins 821 31 Ditto fur Account 944 Danish 761 7 3 per Cent. Reduced shut Dutch 24 per Cents 531 4

New 34 per Cent. Anna 1014 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 831 44

flank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cent. 22 224 lixti 0:hick — Russian(1821)3 per Cent.., 1114 12

IMP. Bonds 68 70pm Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 174 4 Exchequer Bills 68 7Optu Deferred Stock 74 i Itel,:iau 5 per Cents 1034 Passive Ditto 4 41