29 SEPTEMBER 1849, Page 3

Irbt Vrobintes.

The nomination of a candidate to represent West Surrey, in the room of Mr. Denison, deceased, took place at Guildford on Saturday. Colonel

Sumner nominated Mr. William John Evelyn; excusing his youth by re- ference to the case of Mr. Pitt, and describing him as possessed of the ne- cessary ability for representing the county. Mr. Barclay, M.P., seconded the nomination; and urged the Conservative party to sink all minor differences and unite in Mr. Evelyn's support.

Mr. Gorse nominated Mr. Richard Wyatt Edgell; convinced that a more independent, straightforward, and conscientious man, did not exist. He regretted, seeing that parties were so equally divided in that part of the county, that a contest had been provoked by the Tories, who were unsatis- fied with one Member but must have both. Mr. Long seconded the nomi- nation of Mr. Edgell.

Mr. Drummond, M.P., in a speech of considerable length, exhorted the electors to avoid returning a man as his colleague who would vote directly in the teeth of what he supported.

Filing on a reference made by a preceding speaker, Mr. Drummond declared that the evil to which the country was subject, not at this election only but throughout the country, was that the people have been made the dupes of political factions. He told them two years ago, and told them again now, that lee would not join either of those factions. He was of their party, and no other. The Whigs saw a famine near in Ireland; they knew how the Reform Bill could be worked with a famine to back them; and in consequence, Lord John Russell wrote his celebrated letter to bid for the favour of the Anti-Corn-law League. But Sir Robert Peel outjoekied Lord John; and that was the whole history of the matter. In those days, protection meant a five-shilling duty; what does it mean now? No one ever said free trade didn't help to increase trade: and free trade was a good thing if that were all; but there is to be deducted from the wealth it brings all the wealth it destroys. There must be deducted the value of the tim- ber in Great Britain. There was to be deducted the dinners' capital, which had been destroyed. There was to be deducted the loss, by opening the ports to Span- ish barilla, of the kelp trade, formerly carried on upon the North-west coast of Scotland, and on the West coast of Ireland, where the famine had been most se- riously felt. There were to be deducted the losses of the Irish farmer and land- lord, and the 12,000,0001. voted for the relief of Irish distress. All these things most be taken into account before anything was said of the profits of free trade. Ile would not go into the question of Sugar, nor the Colonies, nor the 2,000,0001. worth of wine which was formerly supplied from the Cape, The Man-. chaster school said that the landlords were a pack of selfish fellows. (Up- roar.) He was going to avow it. He himself was a landlord and nothing but a landlord. His tastes were all with the land ; his interests were with the land; his prejudices were with the land; and if he was not a landed bigot, who, he would ask, was? He did not wish to be unjust to any one. Be had read every law on commerce and trade, and he now declared that no law bad ever been passed by the landlords which was not with the intention of bene- fitting commerce. ("No, no!") Would any gentleman quote him the act in which it is otherwise? Then let them go home and read their books, before they denied his statement. Whether the landlords acted wisely or not, they intended to benefit commerce. Now, however, the tables are quite turned. The intention of the manufacturing interest is to ruin the land. They have distinctly stated that that is the object they wish to effect. Mr. Cobden wished to see every customhouse-duty repealed, and the revenue raised by direct taxation. Mr. Drummond had given notice of motions in Parliament for next session. The first motion was tbr the reduction of salaries of all persons under Government. When Mr. Henley brought forward that subject, the Liberal Members voted against him ; for however much they blustered, their main point was to keep the Whigs in office. The next question he had to bring before Parliament was the unjust distribution of the taxes—the same percentage being unfairly paid by men with 10,0001. a year and men with only 1001. a year. Nor was it right that the Land-tax should be assessed in the same manner as it was two hundred years ago—that on their sand-hills they should pay as much as the whole town of Manchester. Upon another point he would beg the constituency of West Surrey to take example by the conduct of the Manchester school, who had defrayed all the expenses connected with the return of Mr. Fox to Parliament, and even paid his coach-hire home when the election was over. They ought not to take the vulgar view that only rich men should be their representatives. Mr. Evelyn besought his hearers to disregard the misrepresentations that he was fur protection in one place and against it in another. He was in flavour of protection; and he was so because he understood it to sig- nify fair play in competition. He was in favour of liberty of conscience: but there might be cases—as where the vote might bring into power a bad Ministry—in which he would be justified in abstaining from a vote. On the Jew question he censured the conduct of the Government, thinking that the Lords have been in- sulted by the forcing of the question on them again, before the people had an opportunity of expressing their opinion. As to extension of the suffrage, he stood there as a Conservative, and at once avowed that he had no faith in the princi- ples of Democracy, which had created such confusion on the Continent. Still, he would not say that he was unprepared at any future time to advocate an exten- sion of the suffrage: the country does not require it at present. He was warmly in i favour of reduction in public expenditure; it was a matter for Government to con- sider whenever a proposition should be brought forward in earnest. One of the greatest sources of expenditure were Whig measures for sanatory and otherpur- poses, which turned out to be simply an attempt to deluge the country with a hornet's neat of well-salaried Commissioners; and he only wondered that they had not ere now proposed bringing in a bill for the abolition of misery in her Majesty's dominions. (Cheers and uproar.) There would, of course, be a good deal of patronage, and the measure would probably have been as successful as many they had introduced. He thought that real property was too much taxed, while per- sonal property was nearly exempt. Local taxation should be equally distributed. Mr. Edgell came forward as one who had been brought up in the same Political school as the late Mr. Denison: he had followed his opinions in life, and would adhere to them till death.

Hy would vote fir reduction of taxes, for civil and religions liberty, for the ballot, and for extension of the suffrage. He would not attach himself to the

Manchester school, or to any other party; but would go unfettered to Parliament, with a fixed determination to serve his country. As to reduction of expenditure, • every one knew that at present the largest sums were voted away with reckless extravagance. Whether Mr. Cobden were right or not as to reducing 10,000,0001. he could not say, but they had been adding and were still adding to the National Debt, and it must end in a common ruin. As to protection, they were told it was at an end: if so, why talk more of it? But the agriculturist has a strong feeling that some of the burdens imposed because of protection should be removed now that protection is withdrawn; instead of which, they always found that when pro- tection was withdrawn some heavy weight was imposed as a counterpoise. He would support the party of Progress: it was incumbent on statesmen to be wise in time, and not to put off concession till you have to concede to insurrection. The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Evelyn; and a poll was de- manded on behalf of Mr. Edgell.

The polling commenced on Wednesday; and concluded that day, for in the evening Mr. Edgell resigned. The official declaration of numbers was made on Thursday: for Evelyn, 1,144; for Edgell, 988. Mr. Evelyn was declared to be duly elected.

In his speech of thanks, Mr. Evelyn gave some additional indications of his political faith.

He rep-mted his warm approval of a reduction in the national expenditure; he was in favour of all practicable redactions, but thought the reductions were fair

matter for the consideration of Government. On the subject of Colonial policy,

he was opposed to the " Liberal " principle of centralization, and in favour of giving an Increased degree of self-government to the Colonies—all parties seemed

to be agreed on this point. Much as he detested the principles of the Radicals, he honoured their good intentions; but with regard to the Whigs, although there might be excellent men atnong them, he would ask whether any person present believed that the Whig oligarchy, as a body, cared for the people? (Cries of " No!" and cheers.) He must remind them, that he had not been supported in this contest by Conservatives alone, but by that numerous and increasing body of the Liberal party who were dissatisfied with the present Government, and who wished agriculture to retain its just position in the social scale.

The Bucks Herald states that a society has been formed, under the title of the " Bucks Association for the Equalization of Taxation and Maintain-

ing Public Credit," for the purpose of carrying out the principles enun- ciated in Mr. Disraelfsrecent address. Mr. Lowndes, of the Bury, Chesham, is the chairman, and has addressed a circular " to the owners of real pro- perty and agriculturists of the county of Bucks."

Messrs. Maspratt and Co., alkali manufacturers, have been sued in the War- rington County Court for damage to crops by fumes from their works. Alice and Richard Taylor, farmers, claimed 171. 5s.; and, after an investigation, the Jury gave them a verdict for that sum. There were other cases to which this decision would apply.

Four children have been poisoned at Nottingham, under very extraordinary circumstances. A woman met one of them in the street, and asked if her name was "Burke"; on the child's replying that it was, the woman gave her a packet of white powder, telling her it was something nice, to be put in water and drunk, and desired her to give some to the other children. The little girl, being at home alone with the children followed the directions of the woman ; all four children were soon taken ill; licit the neighbours carried them to the hospital, and medical aid saved their lives. It was found that the powder was white arsenic. The wicked woman who gave it has not been discovered, and her motive is um. knowre. -

No fewer than fifteen men employed on the railway at Huddersfield have been charged with stealing divers bales of goods from luggage-trucks. Six have been committed for trial on more than one charge; one has been liberated; and the remainder are remanded.

During the construction of a sewer at Colchester, the contractor, contrary to the advice of others, persisted in sinking holes at short intervals and tunnelling be- tween these, to save the expense of digging out the earth through the whole length of the sewer. The soil was bad for his plan, being sandy. At length a large mass of sand overwhelmed the contractor and three men while in a tunnel at work, and the master and one workman were dead when taken oat. A labourer had been so convinced of the danger of the coarse followed, that he had left the work shortly before the accident.

Mr. Matthews, an engineer living at Blackheath, while sitting at home on Mon- day night, noticed that gas was escaping in the room; he incautiously lighted a piece of paper to discover where the pipe was leaking, and an explosion ensued: Mr. Matthews and a female servant were scorched, and nearly every pane in the front windows was blown out.

A youth, son of the Reverend Henry Jennings, of Hatton Abbey, near Driffield, has accidentally killed himself. While out shooting, he found that some cows had strayed into a field; in turning them out, he struck one with the butt-end of the gun; the piece exploded, and the charge lodged in his body.

The Falmouth races, on the 14th, were marred by a serious accident at the grand stand. At the conclusion of a steeple-chace, the people on the stand rushed towards the front ; the sudden pressure caused the whole structure to give way, and the spectators were hurled to the ground, a considerable distance. One gentleman's thigh was broken, another suffered a fracture of the arm, and many inure were hurt less seriously. The persons who had stalls in the lower part of the stand had run out to witness the race, or most likely a loss of life would have happened.