29 SEPTEMBER 1860, Page 10


Srocx Excaraas. FRIDAY Arrznsoox.

The English Funds have experienced very little' fluctuation throughout the week the final quotations of this afternoon being only a shade below those of last Saturday. On Monday, Consols opened at a decline of 4, 931 4 for Money, and 934 1for Account ; since which they have only been alternately buyers and sellers at 934. The markets have worn a dull and heavy appearance everyday; continued wet weather exercising a depres- sing influence. Foreign politics have not had much effect, although the course of events is naturally watched with the greatest anxiety ; indeed, in the face of the present state of affairs, it is only surprising that Stocks should remain at their present comparatively high quotations. Money has been in considerably increased demand, but rates were about 2 to 24 per cent until today, when it was found that large amounts are being called en, in preparation for the quarter; the rate then ruled 41 to 5 per cent. Bank Stock is shut. Exchequer Bills are all par to 2.e. prem. ; India Five per Cent, 1034 1031 ; transactions in the latter have not been of a very im- portant character. Consols opened this morning 931'931 for October ; but upon pressure of money sales and the state of the weather, soon drooped to 934 sellers. The market has been heavy all the day, and closes with a strong tendency to lower prices. New and Reduced shut.

The Foreign Market has been very quiet all the week, with but little change in the prices of most securities. Mexican Bonds have undergone some little variation, but the market, after being firm at 224 221, closes rather heavily at 22 221• Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents steady, 94 95 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 741 751; Ditto Uribarren Four-and-a-hslf per Cents, 83 84 ; and the Dollar Bonds nominally 81 83; Buenos Ayres, 94 96; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 291 301, the latter stocks are dull ; Venezuela Three per Cents, 23 231 ; Ditto One-and-a-half per Cents, 11 12- Grenada Active have had a rise of 1 per cent, closing 16 17, and the Deferred about 1- per cent, 6 61; Mien Six per Cent, 101 103 ex div. ; Ditto Four-. and-a-half per Cent, 82 83. Turkish Stock have declined as much as 11 per cent upon several adverse statements respecting the loans; the Old Six per Cents are 73 74; and the New Ditto 55 at; ; Sardinian, 83 84 ; Victor Emmanuel, 94 95 ; Spanish Three per Cents, 484 48/ ; Ditto Deferred, 394 394; Ditto Certificates, 6 4. The Spanish market has been heavy all the week. Russian Five per Cents, 1031 1041. This has been settling day, and there has been a great demand for money at higher rates of interest. A good deal of business was transacted in Railway Stocks and Shares iu the early part of the week, and notwithstanding the prevailing dulness in other markets, a rise of more than 1 per cent was established ; this advance was chiefly caused by an absence of Stock discovered during the preparation for the settlement. Midland were at one time 1291 130, but are now only 100 • 1London and South-Western, 911 921; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1291 129; Great Western, 741 741; London and North-Western, 1001 114131151; Caledonians are finally 911 92; and London and Brighton, 1091 1101: South-Eastern and Dover, 84 841 • Great Northern closes firm at 11.51 1161; the A Stock has advanced to 120 122; North Staffiirdshire, ln 14 ; London and Blackwell, 65 67 ; Chester and Holyhead, 52/ Berwick Stock has fluctuated considerably, leaving off 1011 1014 ; North British, 611 62 ex div.; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 29483114. The Markets are all quiet at the close. Grand Trunk of Canada have declined upon reports of the refusal of Government to assist the company any further, the last figures are 27 271; Great Western of Canada, 131 131.. French Shares have not shown much activity ; the great uncertainty of matters on the Continent seeming to check all speculation in that direction. Luxembourg remains 64 7; Namur and Liege' 74 81 ; Northern of France, 38 39; Paris and Lyons, 351364 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26 ; the chief


business as usual has been in Lombardo-Venetian' which after advancing to dis. buyers, closes today 1/ 1 dis. ; Sambre and Mouse, 54 54. The new Marine Companies are without any material change, but quotations are dull. Ocean, 14 2 prem.; Thames and Mersey, 7-16 9-16; Great Ship shares have been heavy, and declined to 6s. 6d. 7s. per share.