29 SEPTEMBER 1860, Page 10


SATURDAY Monailare.

The mysterious relations between Victor Emmanuel and Garibaldi give rise to shoals of rumours. It is now stated that the hostility of Garibaldi will be appeased by the retirement of Signor Farini ; and in the same breath we are informed that Garibaldi has threatened Mazzini with ex- pulsion from Naples to satisfy the moderates, and has resumed possession of the fleet to please the party of action. The Opinion of Turin advo- cates immediate annexation- " If Garibaldi succeeds in organizing an administration, and preventing reactionary attempts, the adjournment of the annexation would be no great harm. But can he ? The people rose in the name of Victor Emmanuel, and it was for the sake of that name they adhered to Garibaldi. But now the opposition to the annexation is excused on the ground that it is a ques- tion of confidence. This question of confidence is merely this : that Gari- baldi will not deliver up Sicily and Naples into the hands of Cavour. And yet General Garibaldi has received subsidies and assistance from Cavour."

It is stated that as soon as Ancona is reduced, General Fanti will move on the frontier of Naples, ready to cross it at the first call from the people.

The Official Journal of Rome has published the formal protest of Car- dinal Antonelli against the invasion of the Papal States. It is ad- dressed to the representatives of all foreign Powers at Rome.

The Cologne Gazette has produced the text of a Note addressed, under date of the 31st August, by Lord John Russell to Sir James Hudson, the British Minister at Turin. The Secretary for Foreign Affairs expresses the fear, that the attacks against the Roman States and the kingdom of Naples may lead to an attack upon the possessions of Austria in Venetia. If, says the despatch, the King of Piedmont were at liberty not to accept the preliminaries of Villafranca and the treaty of Zurich, now that he has pledged his royal word he is no longer at liberty to attack a nation with which he has promised to live in peace and friendship. Should such a fact occur, Italy would again be exposed to all the chances of uncertainty.