29 SEPTEMBER 1906, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your very fair article upon "Socialism and Labour' in the Spectator of September 22nd one point is omitted from the consideration of South Wales miners' affairs. The non- Unionists have been working under terms and conditions agreed upon between the employers and the Trade-Union representatives ; and to secure those terms the Union incurs large expenditure,—not alone the general wage-rate, but also the constantly varying circumstances in each colliery being dealt with by the Conciliation Board or referee (usually one masters' representative and one miners' agent). The non-

Unionist gets the benefit of all the organisation and effort, yet refuses to pay one penny towards the cost. Therefore the Unionist declines to work with a man who will not meet his fair share of outlay on joint account.-1 am, Sir, &c.,