29 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

We have written but few words about the German and

Austrian answers to the Pope because indeed they require few. Why are -there all these feverish protestations by Germany in favour of peace ? Is it because the Germans have been " born again," and now feel with a new heart and see with new eyes ? The answer to that question is to be found in the appalling record of German diplomacy which is revealed day by day, not only in the United States and the Argentine, but reluctantly in Sweden. Germany wants peace, not because she loves peace for its own sake, but because she fears the slow but gigantic revolt of the whole world against her abominations. This revolt warns her that she will be deprived of all economic resources, and will be reduced to tem- porary bankruptcy, and that even when she emerges from the Bankruptcy Court she will be stunted and impeded in her economic growth at every turn. That is why she so ardently desires peace. We wish that we could attribute a better motive to her. But on the evidence we cannot.