29 SEPTEMBER 1923, Page 14

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Dr. Latham's quotation from

the well-known Act of 1880 is scarcely relevant. This Act refers to a deceased person not as a Nonconformist, which he might or might not have been, but as a person entitled to burial in a churchyard. This meagre and measured concession, won after a long struggle, is worlds away from the main point of my letter. I referred to the existence of consecrated and unconsecrated burial ground not as a grievance, but as symiro..iz2-g, emphasizing and perpetuating in the grave itself the schism created by the State, in the religious life of the nation. The matter is too important and urgent to be allowed to go off in a dribble of small debating points.

Will not Dr. Latham or some other, able reader of the

Spectator state clearly what legal rights—if any—have Non- conformists as such, and while remaining Nonconformists, in the Established Church of England ?—I am, Sir, &c.,